Exercise is medicine..... Physical inactivity has been labelled the biggest public health problem of the 21st century

Looking for reliable, fact based information on health and diet….then look no further. www.nutritionfacts.org is a non-commercial, fact based trusted source of information on all things health and all the facts are backed by research.

I recommend watching this 3.5 minute video which highlights the fact that exercise can help prevent disease such as diabetes and prevent heart disease and strokes.

We should be looking to burn a minimum of 1000kcal per week in exercise to have a beneficial effect ( the equivalent of 1 hour’s walking, x 5 per week if not more. Moderate exercise can be judged by being able to TALK not SING!

Please watch this and share it and checkout their podcasts

Dr Michael’s best selling book!

Dr Michael’s best selling book!

Lets all take the ‘green prescription’ and get out there !