1. How do I book individual or multiple classes?

    Select the ‘Book Classes/Walks Here’ button on the website booking page. Select ‘Book Classes’, choose the type of class you want and press ‘Book’. Choose the date you want and click on the time shown. If you only want to book one class, press ‘Select and Continue’. If you would like to book multiple classes, press ‘Select and add another time’. If no other dates are showing as available, make sure that the calendar page is on the correct month. There is a right arrow button to move to the next month where other dates should be available. Press on the date and time you want and either continue, or add another time as required. The times you have selected will appear in a list below. Once you have selected all the classes you want, press ‘Select and Continue’ and go to the payment window.

  2. How do I book classes with a discounted class package?

    Discounted Class Packages offer savings if you want to book multiple classes of one type. There are packages on offer for each class type, in multiples of 5 or 10. The higher the number, the bigger the saving.

    Press ‘Add to Cart’ next to the package you want. This will take you to the payment window. If you want to add another package, use the ‘Back’ arrow that appears above the area for your name, and select another package. You can do this for as many packages as you would like to buy.(PLEASE NOTE: You cannot add single classes or Nordic Walks at this point. Please book those separately). When you return to the payment window, you will see your list of packages selected below. You can edit the quantity or remove each bundle from the list as needed. Once you are happy with your choice, tick the T&C’s box and press a Payment button (either for a card payment or with your Paypal account).

  3. How do I book Nordic Walks?

    Booking Nordic Walks is a slightly different process to booking classes. Choose the dates that you want to walk by first looking at the Walks Schedule. Then book on without payment. I will then bill you at the end of the month depending on how many book for each walk. Minimum charge will be £10 & max is £14.

  4. How do I reschedule a class?

    If you have already registered for an account (see point 6), log into your account in the top right corner of the bookings window. You will have a green box that shows all your bookings. Select the class you want to change and click on the reschedule button below to see what’s available. Select your new time and the date of your class will be amended. PLEASE NOTE: You can reschedule classes, but NOT Nordic Walks (these need to be cancelled and rebooked).

    If you have not yet registered for an account (see point 6), please find your booking confirmation email where you will have the opportunity to reschedule your class. You can also register for an account from your confirmation email which will make it easier to make changes in the future.

  5. How do I cancel a class?

    Follow the steps in point 4 above, and select ‘Cancel’. You will receive a refund to your bank account/card.

  6. How do I create an account for my bookings to save time in the future?

    You will have the option to register for an account only after you have purchased your first class/walk. On the confirmation of payment, you can select an option to ‘Register for an Account’. Enter your details and you will receive an email confirmation of your registration. You will then be able to Log in when returning to book.

  7. Can I just turn up to a class without booking?

    No, please do book and pay before you come. This is so I can plan for enough equipment and understand any health issues that you may have and plan options for you.

  8. What is a fitness bundle?

    Just a way of bulk buying classes so that you get a discounted price. The bigger the bundle you buy, the larger the discount. Adhoc class prices are slightly higher than block booked classes, this is intentional as if you want to get fitter and stronger you need to commit and be consistent for results :-

  9. I’ve never been Nordic Walking before, can I just come along?

    If it’s your first Nordic Walk, you are welcome to book on and come to any walk, just let me know if you need to borrow poles or ask for any advice on what to wear ( flexible soled shoes are the most important thing.) If you enjoy the walk then you’ll need to book an 1.5 hour one to one session with me to learn the fundamentals so that you get the maximum benefit from this great sport.

  10. I’ve booked a walk/ class but I can’t now make it- what can I do?

    The booking system will allow you to reschedule your appointment to a future date ( if you bought a package then it must be within the time frame given to the package when you bought it ).

  11. What is the point of the SCHEDULING APP ?

    This is an ‘Acuity’ App, that when you’re out and about or super busy allows you to check your bookings or reschedule quickly and easily from your phone without needing to go to my website. It syncs with all businesses that use Acuity scheduling. Go to the APP store or wherever you get your apps and search for “ACUITY SCHEDULING”, download and search for my business URL ( i.e. For Fitness Sake)

  12. If the weather is bad what happens?

    If I need to cancel a class due to weather or illness then you will be offered an alternative date.

  13. Can I cancel and get a refund ?

    Cancellation policy is 24hrs or more for a refund, but in exceptional circumstances refunds may be given.

  14. I’m over 65, can I just join any of the classes or walks?

    Not my rules, but those of the insurer which states that if you are over 65 and have any medical conditions you must seek your Dr’s approval to join in if you wish to be fully insured. This can be a verbal agreement.

  15. Why have you left Nordic Walking UK?

    Having been with the Franchise for 4 years and trained with them, I am now fully independent. I felt that neither my clients or myself were getting extra value or learning and it is now easier for me to manage the bookings myself. I am still fully insured for Nordic Walking and will continue to further my learning from other sources.