Join The Squat-Tober Challenge !


Welcome to a new look update.

Find out more about…

  • Why is the autumn a great time to get on top of your health?

  • Join me for a “Squat-tober” Daily Squat & Abs Challenge

  • Perfect autumn brekky recipe to start your day

  • Classes move online for 4 weeks from 16/10/23

  • New venues for indoor classes this winter & November timetable

Autumn is the time to bullet proof your mind & body for winter

The Times reported this weekend that autumn is the time we start to increase our calorific intake & move less, often due to shorter days and colder weather.

BUT, STOP THE PRESS - knowledge is power & here are some top tips to get ahead of the winter bulge.

  1. Pay extra attention to your food & drink intake in Autumn. Shorter days & chillier weather doesn’t mean we need extra calories. Ditch the baggy clothes, keep the food intake consistent.

  2. Get outside & get into the habit of moving outdoors, it will make a BIG difference. Try & get your fix of daylight as early in the day as possible, this will support your mental & physical wellbeing .

  3. Strengthen your immune system by eating plenty of fibre rich & brightly coloured foods. These will help reduce inflammation & help to fight infections in our upper respiratory tract, due to compounds called flavonoids which help our bodies regulate our immune systems. Regular exercise also helps support the immune system, provided it’s supported with good food, water intake and sleep.

  4. Get your zzz’s in. Your circadian rhythm ( body clock) is governed by the amount of natural light you get. This in turn affects your immune system, so it’s another good reason to get outside. Make sure your bedtimes are regular & keep your bedroom at the ideal temp to sleep - 18 C.


Squat-tober - A 30 Day October Challenge, 31st Is Your Rest Day :-)

Print this out, stick it up and stick to it… your body will thank you for it.

Ginger & Apple Overnight Oats

Here’s a delicious recipe to start your day this Autumn. Prep the night before, use your favourite extras, or even make enough for a couple of days and store in the fridge? Try with freshly grated ginger too?



Some of you will know, that we are off on our annual trip to Portugal for 6 weeks, in the continuing quest to escape the mud, enjoy the outdoors & find the perfect Pastel De Nata.

Whilst I’m away I’ll be running the following classes on Zoom from Monday 16th October.

  • MONDAYS 18.00-18.45 Body Conditioning, strength, cardio & core ( you’ll need some weights for this one)

  • TUESDAYS 18.00-18.45 Pure Stretch, a lovely blend of flexibility, mobility & core work. Yoga strap needed.

  • Both classes will have some great playlists, & are guaranteed to make you feel tip top as we head into winter & the party season.

You’ll need to sign up for the 4 week package for either of the above ( £24 for 4 x 45 min sessions), which will give you the link to the recording if you can’t make the live session.


In Person Classes & New Venues For Winter Classes From November

Mondays 18.00-19.00 Functional Fitness from 20/11 - Semley Village Hall

Tuesdays 17.30-18.20 Pure Stretch from 21/11 - East Knoyle Village Hall

Wednesdays 09.30 Nordic Walks resume from Wednesday 22/11

Thursdays 18.00-18.45 from 23/11 - British Legion Hall, Shaftesbury

Saturdays 09.30-10.15 continues every Saturday at Park Walk, Shaftesbury, covered by Kellie whilst I am away. Please book & pay online by block as normal.




  • BLOCK BOOKINGS. Please note that in order for me to run classes indoors and hire venues, I need clients to sign up for block bookings. As you know, I need this commitment for the timetable to run. It helps me to plan and run good & effective sessions. Know that if I cancel I will always give you another session.

  • From Jan 2024, the adhoc prices for all drop-in places will be increasing. Block bookings allow discounted prices. The blocks are open ended at the moment, again this will be reviewed at the end of the year.

  • CANCELLATIONS. A min of 24 hours is required for a booking to be moved.

  • LATE ARRIVALS. If you are late for a class, please note you are at risk of not being properly warmed up and safe for the class. This is at your own risk. It’s also very disruptive for the class and me as the leader.

    Thank you

Thank so much for all your support, whether you’ve been coming to walks & classes since I started or you’re a newcomer, it’s wonderful to have you along. Always let me have any feedback or ideas too.

Have a great Autumn, keep moving & stay well

Rachel x

rachel carter