Autumnal Ginger & Apple Overnight Oats

Here’s a simple breakfast, that’s perfect for the Autumn mornings. Make it the night before, serve with an extra splash of milk of your choice and a handful of walnut pieces, and a drizzle of honey or some chopped dried figs & a dollop of peanut butter to up your protein levels.

Recipe- serves 2

100g rolled oats

1 tbsp flaxseeds

1 tbsp chia seeds

2 tbsp natural full fat yogurt

1/2 tsp ground ginger

1 apple, grated or finely chopped

small mug of milk of your choice

(Honey & chopped walnuts to serve)

Combine all the ingredients, stir well, cover and store in the fridge over night or for a min of 6 hours.

rachel carter