How Not To Die From Cancer....Must Watch Video

Plant Based Diets and Exercise Could Be Critical in The Battle Against The Big C?

How Not to Die from Cancer

Written By Michael Greger M.D. FACLM on October 3rd, 2019

After Dr. Dean Ornish conquered our number-one killer, heart disease, he moved on to killer number-two. What happens if cancer is put on a plant-based diet? Ornish and colleagues found that the progression of early-stage prostate cancer could be reversed with a plant-based diet and other healthy lifestyle behaviours.

The dramatic strengthening of cancer defences shown in the study was after 14 days of a plant-based diet—and exercise. The researchers had women walking 30 to 60 minutes a day. Given there were two factors, how do we know what role the diet played? Researchers decided to put it to the test.

Please do check out as it’s an incredible source of science based, non-commercial, non-biased information. Dr Gregor also wrote the best selling “How Not To Die Books'“ of which I use for reference on a weekly basis.

Want to read more or watch the video?

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