Running Just Once A Week Could Cut Your Risk of Early Death By A Quarter

Many of us know that exercise and movement is the ‘elixir’ of life, but a new study from Melbourne University published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine analysed 14 studies of over 200,000 people whose health was tracked for between 5.5 and 25 years. The lead professor in the study said ‘ Significant reductions in mortality risk can be expected for any amount of running, even once per week. Overall those who did any running saw their risk of an early death fall by 27%.”

Incredible results I would say…exercise & physical activity can help treat and prevent more than 20 different lifestyle diseases and this research shows just how important it is to do regular physical activity.

Current Government guidelines suggest we do either 150 minutes moderate or 75 minutes of vigorous exercise per week, but 4 in 10 people in the UK fail to manage even a brisk 10-minute walk once month Public England has claimed.

To read the full article click here

So what are you waiting for …..

rachel carter