February 2023 4 x 4 Challenge. Live better, longer

How’s your health & wellness ? Are you in a slump? Need a little lift? Why not join me for a month of focused eating, movement & positivity?

Following on from my 7 x 7 Challenge the Autumn, this is a challenge that makes you accountable and prioritises your health and wellbeing, in a friendly and supportive group.

The main theme of the challenge comes from the Blue Zones Food Guidelines ( Blue Zones are recognised areas in the world, where some of the longest-lived people live. Their habits are being studied and findings shared. Read more

The challenge is to choose as many tasks from each of the boxes each week as you can, keep a note and send in your results on a Sunday evening by text or email to me. At the end of the month, there will be 3 prizes for the best achievers. There are categories for weight control, healthy eating and exercise….

You choose the tasks based on your goals.



rachel carter