Eat Chocolate for your health & a post about coffee & cake...

Lots to catch up on here, in case you missed it here’s my September News


This month Macmillan Cancer hold their “World’s Biggest Coffee Morning” event to raise awareness and funds. As I am personally very moved by this charity and what it offers I’m running a little event to support it. Come for any part of the event or even just buy a raffle ticket if you can ( £5 per strip). We have been given some amazing prizes including…

Meal for two & wine at The Grosvenor Arms, Hindon

Brand new Fitbit- tracker watch

£30 voucher for Mine, Shaftesbury

An hour of physio, a pedicure, a yoga session a PT session with yours truly

A week’s supply of duck eggs, some legendary Award Winning ‘Buttlings Butchers’ Sausages

Champagne, Wine, Single Malt Whisky & more

If you’d like to take part please drop me a message. Thank you to everyone who has kindly donated prizes and bought tickets so far.

If you haven’t already listened, Dr Michael Mosley’s short but sweet podcast series “JUST ONE THING’” is a great listen. It’s little things we can all do every day to make a big difference to our health. Guess what? Last week’s episode involved eating Dark Chocolate ! Higlly recommended listening, find it on the BBC Sounds App.

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rachel carter