Garlicky Courgette & Fresh Lemon Linguine...on the table in under 15 mins

Looking to use the courgettes from the garden or just want a quick and wholesome supper? You can’t go far wrong with this….

Pop a large pan of water on to boil, add linguine or spaghetti and set the timer following the pack instructions.

Saute some crushed garlic in a little olive oil, make sure it doesn’t burn. Add some sliced courgettes and cook gently for 5-10 minutes with a little salt and pepper. When they start to soften, add the finely grated zest and juice of a lemon. Cook until charred slightly and softened.

Drain the pasta, stir through the lemony courgettes, add some chopped flat-leaf parsley if you have some and serve scattered with some grated Parmesan and a little drizzle of extra virgin olive oil and more black pepper.


To use less oil use a non-stick pan/wok. A tiny drop of oil will go far and you can always add a tiny amount of water if it starts to stick.

rachel carter