Older Generation Shouldn't Be Shying Away From High Intensity Exercise - Study Suggests

The bottom line….

  • A study of those in their 70s found that high intensity exercise showed the best results for longevity

  • Other studies show that adding high impact exercises helps with bone density

    It’s well documented that sarcopenia ( loss of muscle mass) is an influencer of life expectancy and quality of life. It can be slowed or may even be reversed by regular exercise and good diet . From middle age we lose about 3% muscle mass each year. This is caused by a variety of reasons including

  • Sedentary lifestyle

  • Stress

  • Chronic Illness

  • Poor or incomplete diet

How Can Exercise Reverse Sarcopenia?

  1. Resistance training - this might be weight training, using weights, resistance bands or body weight training. It’s so vital especially as we age and is the biggest thing we can in the fight against sarcopenia. It’s the best way to increase muscle mass and prevent its loss.

  2. Walking -this can also prevent and even reverse sarcopenia, and it’s an activity most people can do anywhere.

    A study of 227 Japanese adults over 65 years old found that six months of walking increased muscle mass, particularly in those who had low muscle mass .

  3. Fitness training - this might be a combination of aerobic and endurance training, but regular exercise where the heart rate is elevated is a contributor in fighting Sarcopenia . A study found that five days per week of cycling, jogging or hiking increased muscle mass. Women started with 15 minutes of these activities per day, increasing to 45 minutes over 12 months

Looking to start strength training?

Here are some ideas…

  • Buy some dumbbells or a couple of kettlebells or a resistance band and start training at home using You Tube or Zoom .

  • Try Nordic Walking…it uses 90% of your body’s muscles and helps to strengthen your upper body.

  • Try one of my classes? Thursday nights 6-7pm is a mix of bodyweight, cardio and core strength.

  • Hire a Personal Trainer who can tailor-make a plan just for you!

If you would like to read the full article that this is taken from please follow this link

For more information on HIT training for the older generation please follow this link

To find out more about Joan’s story follow this link or follow@trainwithjoan on instagram.

rachel carter