Want to reduce the risk of osteoporosis, burn more calories and reduce stress?

Do you think weight training is all about body building and big biceps?

Think on….

For a start, body builders are the size and shape they are from dedicated almost daily training and specialist diets.

For the average person, using some weights as part of their fitness training ( whether that’s with their own body weight or with dumbbells or kettlebells ) is the foundation to good health.

Here are a few benefits…

7 Benefits of Weight Lifting for Women

  • Lose Body Fat. Weight training builds muscle, as lean muscle increases so does metabolism. ...

  • Gain Strength Without Bulking. ...

  • Decrease Risk of Osteoporosis. ...

  • Reduce Risk of Injury. ...

  • Burn More Calories. ...

  • Improve Posture and Reduce Back Pain. ...

  • Enhance Mood and Reduce Stress.


rachel carter